This past Sunday, Ebenezer welcomed back seven distinguished servants of God. Restoration was the word of the hour, as Pastor Gatling heartily received back into our fold these former leaders. This act of reconciliation touched many in the church who held these gentlemen in high esteem for their long history as leaders of Ebenezer Baptist Church.
Doyen's Robert Brown, Simuel Johns, Walter Lindsay, Larry Overton, Rufus Smith, Maurice Williams and Turner Williams were installed into Ebenezer's first ever Council of Elders. As Doyen's of the Council, they will serve in an advisory capacity to the pastor and church members.
From the moment they arrived at the church, excitement stirred in anticipation of the installation and Word Pastor Gatling would bring. "Restoration - setting right what was once wrong" was the theme. These gentlemen have collectively served Ebenezer for many decades and bring with them a tremendous amount of wisdom, history and knowledge that will help usher Ebenezer forward in faith.
So much of what I am blessed with today as pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church-VA Beach is due to the men in the front row. I stand on their shoulders and the shoulders of Pastor Jones!! I am forever in their debt. To God be the Glory!!
- Pastor, R. Perez Gatling
As the church witnessed the awesomeness of God, healing and reconciliation moved throughout the sanctuary. The honorees each received a certificate and Proclamation to commemorate the occasion. Welcome home Doyen's!